Our Mission: Supported Employment - Unlocking Opportunities for Inclusion and Community Integration


At EMUWORKS Limited, we recognise the importance of setting foundation stones on rights and inclusion, and we strive to break new ground in the field of supported employment. Our ultimate goal is to create an inclusive society where everyone, regardless of their abilities, has the opportunity to contribute and thrive. Our mission is outlined as follows:

We aim to build partnerships with individuals and families to ensure our efforts align with their goals and aspirations. By involving them in decision-making, we can work together to empower individuals with learning disabilities.

We aim to invest in workforce development is essential to ensure our staff has the skills and knowledge to provide the best support possible.

We aim to engage with local businesses and organisations, creating a support network that extends beyond our organisation. With the help of collaboration seeks to benefit the individuals we serve and leads to a more inclusive and welcoming community for all.

We aim to achieve true inclusion in community life; empowering individuals and providing them with the tools they need to succeed is essential. This includes identifying and nurturing their talents and interests, helping them set achievable goals, and supporting them in their journey towards paid employment.

We aim to create new job roles and flexible working hours to ensure that individuals with learning disabilities can access meaningful employment opportunities.

We aim to accommodate different needs and abilities by exploring alternative work arrangements, such as job sharing or remote work. This not only benefits the individuals themselves but also contributes to a more diverse and inclusive workforce.

Finally, person-centred approaches are essential to ensure that individuals are doing what they genuinely want to do. This means placing the individual at the heart of decision-making, valuing their preferences and aspirations and paving the way for a more inclusive future for all.

Our Mission: Supported Employment - Unlocking Opportunities

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